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Poda: The use of vine training systems in viticulture is aimed primarily to assist in canopy management with finding the balance in enoughfoliage to facilitate photosynthesis without excessive shading that could impede grape ripening or promote grape diseases.










Espergurado:  It consists of eliminating in the spring the buds called pacifiers, of the old wood, trunk and arms of the strain, to facilitate the best development of the branches that sprout in the thumbs and are carriers of the clusters.

Poda en verde: The pruning in green or savored of the vines is one of the most important and at the same time less extended tasks for the maintenance of the strain and that allows to make a previous selection of the future clusters that are going to be formed. 

Despanpanado: It consists of eliminating in the spring the shoots of the old wood, trunk and arms of the strain, to facilitate the best development of the branches that sprout in the thumbs and are carriers of the clusters.



Deshojado: The management of the vineyard during the period of growth of the plant (also called management in green or leaflessness of the vine) groups a series of works that allows to modify its vegetative development and that, therefore, influence in the yield of the crop, the Quality of the fruit and its health status.

Desnietado :  Is performed erroneously to limit the phenomena of shading or trophic competition with clusters.

Tempranillo wine making

1- In the traditional elaboration of the tempranillo the grapes are removed the raspón or part woody, being crushed the rest and happening later to deposit of fermentation.

2- The interior of red grapes has no color (so we need the skins of grapes or skins to obtain the color and aromas characteristic of red wines. During fermentation, and by action of yeast, sugars Are unfolded in alcohol.


3- In this second deposit is where the second fermentation, the malolactic fermentation takes between 7 and 15 days as a function of temperature. This second fermentation is made with native bacteria and transforms the malic acid, naturally contained in the wine, in Softer and more pleasant lactic acid.


4- The finished wine will pass after this second fermentation to barrels or to deposit.

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